ταχύ εὐαγγέλιον The Quick Gospel
In the name of God faithful King,
You want to erase the history of my people?
How about I change your history?
Dedicated to The Heritage Foundation.
“May no one ever eat fruit from you again!”
You have no power over my body,
neither can you do me any harm—
for I am in the hands of The Name, my God.
I am at His appointment,
the bounds of my habitation
are cast in Heaven,
no further do I esteem of any mortal man
than creatures in his hand.
I fear none but The Name,
therefore take heed how you proceed against me—
for I know that,
for this you go about to do to me,
The Name will ruin you
and your posterity
and this whole state.
God Bless America. She shall have no kings. 🇺🇸
The only King is God faithful King.
1:1 The Gospel of Mark 1:1 The beginning of the Good News of the Kingdom available to every Human Being! A Kingdom founded upon the marriage of Wisdom and Jesus of Nazareth, seventh son of Joseph and Mary. This is how the Jesus who lived bearing the torch of divine fire was adopted by the Father of the Bride—the Father and Source of All: The Ancient of Days, who bestowed him a new name – God Faithful King!
1:2 The Gospel of Mary 4:9 “I will tell you what has been hidden from you.
1:3 The Gospel of Thomas 1 Contained herein are the hidden sayings of the Jesus who lived. Whoever interprets these words correctly shall taste death no more.”
1:4 The Gospel of Philip 82:1 Joseph the carpenter planted a garden because he needed wood for his trade.
It was Joseph who made the cross The Tau—the mark of completion, the threshold of transcendence—from the trees he planted. His child was hung from what the very tree he had watered with care.
1:6 Philip 82:3 His child was the Jesus who lived, and the tree he had planted was The Tau.
2:1 Mark 14:32 Jesus, along with his disciples—John, whom he called “Beloved”; John’s brother James whom he called "Son of Thunder"; and Simon, whom he called “Pebble,” came to their usual meeting place after supper in Jerusalem, the oil press in Gethsemane, and he said to them, “Sit here while I pray.
2:2 Mark 14:34 My soul–my soul is aching and yearns to return this body to the earth; wait for me; stay awake this time, Pebble.”
2:3 Mark 14:35 He went forward a little, and fell on the ground, and prayed that, if possible, this hour might pass from him.
2:4 Mark 14:36 Jesus said, “Father, through you all things are possible; take this cup of staggering from my hand and place it into the hands of my tormentors.”
3:1 Mark 14:43 Immediately – while he continued to pray – Judas of Kerioth, one of the twelve, arrived at the olive press with a crowd carrying swords and torches.
3:2 Mark 14:43 Judas betrayed Jesus after Jesus called him "scab" (סַפַחַת sappachath) for scolding Mary, whom Jesus called "Magdala" ("the Tower"), for anointing him with costly oil.
3:3 Mark 14:43 Among the crowd were the divine council of seraphim, The Builders of Humanity, watching in secret. The pontiff (השופט hashoft) through the eyes of the chief priests, the bailiff (הסוהר hasoher) through the eyes of the elders, and the sheriff (השטן hashtan) through the eyes of the scribes. The Builders took delight in Jesus' inevitable fate.
3:4 Mark 14:44 Judas had given them a signal, saying, “The one I kiss, that’s him.”
3:5 Mark 14:45 Judas immediately approached Jesus and said, “Rebbe, Rebbe,” and kissed him on the cheek.
3:6 Mark 14:46 The crowd seized Jesus, and restrained him.
3:7 Mark 14:47 Pebble, standing by, drew his short sword, and cut off Judas' ear.
3:8 Mark 14:48 Jesus rebuked the crowd, saying, “Have you really come out with swords and torches to arrest me as you would a robber?
3:9 Mark 14:49 I occupied the Holy Temple for days teaching the Law of Fire – even on the Sabbath – 'Whatever you desire others to do to you, you shall also do to them.' Yet you did not arrest me then, did you? But go ahead! Let the vow be fulfilled!”
3:10 Mark 14:50 Judas had stepped aside while Jesus spoke. Desperate to reclaim what he had lost, he reached for the power once given to him—but it was never his to command. It recoiled against him, igniting him from within. The fire that had once been a gift now consumed him. Everyone fled.
3:11 Mark 14:51 John was following the crowd, hoping to save Jesus. He was wearing nothing but a linen garment when the crowd seized him.
3:12 Mark 14:52 But John slipped out of the linen, and he ran away naked.
3:13 Mark 14:53 The crowd led Jesus to Caiaphas, the High Priest of Israel, where all the chief priests, the council of elders, and the scribes who weren’t in the crowd were assembled.
3:14 Mark 14:54 Pebble followed the crowd from a distance and managed to make it to the inside of the courtyard of the High Priest. He blended in with the servants, and warmed himself near the fire – standing by.
4:1 Mark 15:1 The clerical class deliberated all night. Finally, in the morning, they bound Jesus, led him away, and handed him over to Caesar’s appointed governor of Judea, Pontius Pilate. The pontiff (השופט hashoft) spoke through the mouth of Pilate, interrogating him.
4:2 Mark 15:2 Pilate asked him, “Are you the King of the Jews?” Jesus answered the pontiff, “You say so.”
4:3 Mark 15:3 The chief priests, unaware that the pontiff was speaking through Pilate, were surprised at his familiarity with the case. They accused him of many more things, but Pilate grew impatient.
4:4 Mark 15:4 Pilate again asked him, “Have you no answer? See how many more things they testify against you!”
4:5 Mark 15:5 But Jesus made no further answer, and the pontiff, astonished, withdrew from Pilate, leaving him uneasy.
4:6 Mark 15:6 Now, during the feast of Passover, Pilate customarily released one prisoner to them of the people's choosing.
4:7 Mark 15:7 There was an insurrectionist who called himself the “Son of the Father,” bound with his fellow insurrectionists—men who, in the insurrection, had committed murder against Roman authorities.
4:8 Mark 15:8 The mob cried out, urging Pilate to do as he had always done for them.
4:9 Mark 15:9 Pilate answered them, saying, “Do you want me to release to you the King of the Jews, or the Son of the Father?”
4:10 Mark 15:11 The chief priests stirred up the mob so that he would release the Son of the Father to them.
4:11 Mark 15:15 Wishing to quell the mob, Pilate released the Son of the Father to them. After flogging Jesus, he handed him over to be crucified.
4:12 Mark 15:16 The soldiers led Jesus away into the Praetorium; together, they assembled the whole cohort of Rome’s most wicked tormentors.
4:13 Mark 15:17 They clothed him with purple, and weaving a crown of thorns, placing it on him, then removing it repeatedly.
4:14 Mark 15:19 They spat on him, bent their knees pretending to pay homage, beat him, kicked him, and one soldier struck his head with a reed.
4:15 The Gospel of Luke 10:30 “The robbers left him half dead on the road from Jerusalem to Jericho.
4:16 Luke 10:31 By chance, a priest saw him and passed him by.
4:17 Luke 10:32 So likewise, a Levite passed him by.
4:18 Luke 10:33 But a Samaritan came upon him and was moved with compassion.
4:19 Luke 10:34 He went to him and bound up his wounds, pouring on oil and wine. Then he set him on his own animal, brought him to an inn, and took care of him.
4:20 Luke 10:35 The next day he took out a loan, gave it all to the innkeeper, and said, ‘Take care of him. Whatever you spend beyond that, I will repay you when I return.’
4:21 Luke 10:36 Now, Mary, which of these three do you think seemed to be a ‘neighbor’ to the man who was beaten by the robbers?”
4:22 Luke 10:39 Mary of Bethany sat at Jesus’ feet, clinging to every word.
4:23 Luke 10:37 “The one who showed mercy and compassion. Yes, now go and be like him.”
4:24 Luke 10:40 Mary’s sister, Martha, was distracted by her many tasks in the house, so she came to him and asked, “Rebbe, do you not care that my sister has left me to do all the work by myself? Tell Mary to ‘go and be like your sister.’
4:25 Luke 10:41 Jesus laughed and said, “Martha, Martha, you are worried and distracted by many things,
4:26 Luke 10:42 but few things are needed – indeed only one. By sitting at my feet, Mary has chosen the better part, which will not be taken away from her.”
4:27 Mark 15:20 When Jesus regained consciousness, the floggers stripped him of the purple cloak and dressed him in his own clothes. Then they led him out to crucify him.
5:1 Mark 15:21 They compelled a passerby, who was returning from laboring in the fields, to carry The Tau. This day laborer, Simon of Cyrene, was a father to two young boys, Alexander and Rufus.
5:2 Mark 15:22 Then they brought Jesus to the place called Golgotha, which means “The Cranium of Humanity.”
5:3 Mark 15:23 Someone offered him wine mixed with myrrh to drink, but he did not drink. Instead, he peered into the cup.
5:4 The Gospel of John 4:7 What he saw in the reflection of the glistening mixture was the familiar face of his first friend, Photine, which means "The Luminous One.” He began to speak to her as if she were there. Jesus asked her, “Will you give me a drink?”
5:5 John 4:9 Photine said to him, “You are a Jew and I am a Samaritan woman. How can you ask me for a drink?”
5:6 John 4:10 Jesus answered her, “If you knew the gift of God and who it is that asks you for a drink, you would have asked me for a drink instead, and I would have given you divine water.”
5:7 John 4:11 “Sir, you have nothing to draw water with, and the well is deep. Divine water?
5:8 John 4:12 Are you greater than our father Jacob, who gave us this well and drank from it himself, as did his children and his livestock?”
5:9 John 4:13 “Everyone who drinks water will be thirsty again,
5:10 John 4:14 But those who drink divine water never thirst, for within you is the spring of divine water gushing with eternal life.”
5:11 John 4:15 “Sir, how do I draw this water? I don’t want to keep coming here.”
5:12 John 4:16 “Go, call your husband, and come back.”
5:13 John 4:17 “I have no husband.”
5:14 John 4:18 “True, you’ve had five husbands, and the one you have now is not your husband. Do I have it right Luminous One?”
5:15 John 4:19 “I see you’re a lively oracle.
5:16 John 4:20 Well then, oracle, our ancestors worshiped on this mountain, but your people say we must worship in Jerusalem.”
5:17 John 4:21 “The time is fast approaching you will worship the Father neither on this mountain nor in Jerusalem.
5:18 John 4:22 For now, you worship what you do not know. We Jews worship what we know, for Salvation comes from The Name.”
5:19 John 4:25 “I know that The King is coming.”
5:20 John 4:26 “I am here, the one speaking to you.” Then, coming up out of Jacob’s well, Wisdom appeared like a dove, rested upon him, and said,
5:21 The Book of Isaiah 42:6 “I, Wisdom, have called you in righteousness; I will take hold of your hand. I will keep you and will make you to be a sole covenant for your people and a beacon for the Gentiles,
5:22 Isaiah 42:7 to open eyes that are blind, to free captives from prison, and to release from the dungeon those who sit in darkness.”
5:23 John 4:28 Leaving her water jar, Photine ran back to the town and said to the people,
5:24 John 4:29 “Come and see a man who told me everything I ever did! I know he is The King! A spirit rested upon him! Come and see The King! Praise God! Praise God!”
5:25 Mark 15:24 At the third hour, the centurion gathered three nine-inch nails to affix Jesus upon The Tau—one through his left palm, another through his right palm, and a single piercing through both ankles.
5:26 Mark 15:24 The centurion smiled for he took delight in torture. He gripped the nails and raised the hammer.
5:27 Mark 15:24 But his hand stopped, and his eyes became pitch black.
5:28 Mark 15:24 The bailiff (הסוהר hasoher) took possession of him. The centurion's mouth hung open without expression. His hands moved with unnatural precision. The bailiff knew exactly where to place the nails to both amplify and prolong the suffering.
5:29 Mark 15:24 The bailiff drove the first nail through Jesus' left hand. The flesh tore open and the bone shattered. But Jesus remained silent.
5:30 Mark 15:24 The bailiff drove the second nail through Jesus' right hand. The surrounding area was already drenched in blood. But Jesus remained silent, and he stared directly into the blackened eyes of the centurion.
5:31 Mark 15:24 The bailiff attempted to smile but the centurion's face twisted as he drove the third and final nail through Jesus' ankles. One nail through the bones would have made any man look up to the heavens and scream. But Jesus remained silent and kept staring at the bailiff.
5:32 Mark 15:24 The bailiff's mouth closed shut. His grip over the centurion began to wave as the man's fingers trembled.
5:33 Mark 15:24 The centurion fell to his knees, clutching his forehead. His eyes returned to their color when the bailiff departed from him.
5:34 Mark 15:24 Then the centurion parted Jesus's garments among the others, casting lots on them, what each should take.
5:35 Mark 15:26 The superscription of his accusation was written over him: “The King of the Jews.”
5:36 Mark 15:27 And with him they crucified two insurrectionists, one on his right and one even farther to his right.
5:37 Mark 15:40 There were also women watching from afar, among whom were the Three Marys: Magdala; Mary, the mother of Jesus; and Mary Salome, the mother of the apostles James and John—the reason he named the brothers “The Sons of Thunder.”
5:38 Mark 15:41 These women followed Jesus from Galilee for all three years of ministry, and many more women had followed him to Jerusalem.
5:39 Luke 8:3 Joanna the wife of Chuza, the manager of Herod’s household; Susanna; and many others. These women were helping to support Jesus out of their own means.
5:40 Mark 15:29 Those who passed by mocked him, wagging their heads and saying, “Ha! You who destroy the temple and build it in three days,
5:41 Mark 15:30 save yourself, and come down from The Tau!”
5:42 Mark 15:32 Let ‘The King’, ‘The King of Israel’, come down from The Tau now, that we may see and believe him.”
5:43 Mark 15:33 At the sixth hour had come, darkness covered the whole land until the ninth hour.
6:1 Mark 15:34 At the ninth hour, Jesus felt the Divine Presence of Wisdom separating from him and cried with a loud voice, “Eloi, Eloi lamah sabachthani? (My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?)” and Wisdom returned to him.
6:2 Mark 15:35 Some of those who stood by, when they heard it, recognized the words of David and said, “Behold, he is calling for Elijah with the psalm!”
6:3 Mark 15:36 One ran and, filling a sponge full of vinegar, put it on a reed and gave it to him to drink, saying “Let him be. Let’s see whether Elijah comes to take him down.” But Jesus knew all the words and all the interpretations of all the Scriptures by heart—and they did not.
The Book of Esther 5:1 Megillah 15b8 “On the third day, Esther clothed herself in the Divine Presence of Wisdom, but when she stood in the inner court of the king’s chamber of vanities, Wisdom left her. She immediately recited the twenty-second psalm, ‘Eloi, Eloi lamah azavanti? (My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?)’ and Wisdom returned to her, raised up her neck, strung a cord of divine grace around her, and endowed her with charm and beauty.”
6:4 Mark 15:37 Jesus cried out with a loud voice as Wisdom lifted his spirit up while his body died. A rainbow burst from the body of Jesus, piercing through the darkened clouds. The crowd murmured, some fell silent, and the centurion stared upward in awe.
6:5 Isaiah 34:14 At the edge of the firmament, where light frays into nothingness, the sheriff (השטן hashtan) stood sentinel, a one-winged screech owl (לילית liyliyth) perched upon his sinister shoulder, awaiting Wisdom.
6:6 The Gospel of Matthew 16:23 The sheriff's shrill bounced like a ball against the firmament, each echo falling faster, tumbling into silence: "Get behind me, Wisdom! You! You are the stumbling block! You! You have set The Name's mind not on orderly things, but on the things of chaos!"
But Wisdom slipped through his grasp, vanishing beyond the veil—faster than the speed of light—before he could feel Her presence in his grip.
6:8 Isaiah 2:18 The Builders of Humanity were utterly defeated and humiliated.
6:9 Mark 15:39 When the centurion who stood by opposite him saw the rainbow burst forth, he yielded his spear. His voice was hoarse. “The heavens have spoken. This was a king...but who was He?”
6:10 Mark 15:43 Pebble noticed the centurion, astonished, had yielded his spear. So he courageously grabbed the spear and claimed the body of Jesus.
Immediately Magdala, his mother Mary, Mary Salome, and all the other women, having brought myrrh and aloes ran to him and anointed him for burial. After doing so the women mourned and wept.
Except Magdala. She looked to the sky.
Then, to the astonishment of all, Nicodemus son of Gurion, an honorable counselor who himself was a disciple of Jesus in secret, having brought fine linen, wrapped him in the linen, and laid him in a sepulcher that had been hewn out of rock on his own estate.
And the eleven rolled a stone unto the door of the sepulcher.
The Book of Daniel
The Spirit of Jesus ascended to the clouds of the sky with Wisdom. His Spirit appeared like a Human Being and They came before The Ancient of Days, who was still crowning serifs upon The Letters.
Wisdom presented Jesus as Her Bridegroom to Her Father, speaking these vows:
7:2 The Book of Jonah 2:2 “Salvation... I, Wisdom, called to You out of distress, and You answered Me; out of the belly of Sheol I cried, and You heard My voice.
7:3 Jonah 2:3 I was cast into the deep, into the heart of the dark waters, the flood surrounded Me; the waves and the billows passed over Me.
7:4 Jonah 2:4 Then I said, ‘Have I been banished from Your sight? Will I ever look upon Your face again?’
7:5 Jonah 2:5 The waters closed in over Me; the deep surrounded Me; weeds were wrapped around My head at the roots of mountains.
7:6 Jonah 2:6 I went to the land whose bars closed upon Me forever; yet you brought My life from the Pit.
7:7 Jonah 2:7 As My life was ebbing away, I remembered You, and My prayer came to You, into Your heart and soul.
7:8 Jonah 2:8 Those who worship the vanities of this world forsake their true loyalty.
But not I. I, with the voice of thanksgiving, will give Myself to You;
what I have vowed I will pay:
7:10 Mark 1:11 The Ancient of Days bellowed, “Salvation, You are My Son; My Beloved Wisdom, I Am with You; well pleased Am I with this Sacred Marriage.”
Jesus became one with Wisdom and dominion was given to him—glory, Kingship with The New Name: God Faithful King. That all the peoples, nations, and languages should serve Him.
An everlasting dominion which will not pass away.
A Kingdom that will not be destroyed.
Three days had passed.
After the Sabbath, as the first light of dawn broke on the first day of the week, Magdala and Mary, the mother of Jesus, came to the sepulcher to see the tomb.
Behold—God Faithful King met them, saying,
They came forward, fell at His feet, and worshiped Him.
God Faithful King turned to His mother and said,
“Mary, Magdala is your son now.”
Then He said to Magdala,
“Magdala, your mother.”
And from that time on, Magdala took Mary into her home.
Then God Faithful King said,
“Magdala, go and tell our brothers in Galilee; I will see you there—after I walk with Mary for a while.”
9:1 Mark 16:10 Magdala rode swiftly to Galilee, her steed carrying her across the land, and told those eleven who had been with God Faithful King, as they mourned and wept.
9:2 Mary 4:3 She greeted them and said to her brothers,
9:3 Mary 4:4 “Do not weep or mourn, nor let your hearts be divided, for grace will be with you all and will protect you.
9:4 Mary 4:5 Rather, we should praise greatness, for He’s prepared us—made us perfect humans, like the first earthling.”
9:5 Mary 4:6 When she said these things, she turned their hearts toward the Kingdom of Heaven and they started to debate the hidden sayings of God Faithful King.
Pebble said to her,
“Sister, we know Jesus loved you more than all other women.
9:7 Mary 4:8 Tell us the words of Jesus that you remember–the things He spoke to you, which we haven’t heard.”
"God Faithful King called John 'Beloved' but He loved Magdala more than all of them. He kissed her on her mouth many times throughout the ministry.
One time Pebble asked Him,
'Why do You love her more than all of us?'
God Faithful King replied,
'Why do you not understand why I love her?
When one who is blind and one who sees are both in dark, they are no different from one another.
9:9 Philip 50:3 But when the light comes, the one who sees will behold the light,
9:10 Philip 50:4 and the one who is petrified will remain in the dark.'”
Magdala began to speak the eleven:
“I,” she said, “I saw the Spirit of Jesus in a dream and I said to Him,
‘Rebbe, I can see You! I’m having a vision, aren’t I!’
In response, He said to me,
‘Blessed is the one who doesn’t waver at the sight of Me,
9:13 Mary 4:12 for where the mind is, there is treasure.’
9:14 Mary 4:13 I said to him, ‘Rebbe, now does the one who sees the dream see it in the soul or in the spirit?’
He replied,
‘They do not see in the soul or in the spirit, but in the mind.
The mind exists at the center of the soul.
The mind is what sees the vision in the dream.’
9:16 Mary 2:1 'Rebbe, you have shown me our spirits are not destroyed—but will our bodies be destroyed, or not?'
He said to me,
‘Every creation within creation exists in and with each other.
But they will all dissolve again into their source of their formation,
for the nature of created matter is to dissolve into its roots
and its roots are rooted in The Ancient of Days.
9:19 Mary 2:4 Whoever has ears to hear, let them hear!'
I said to Him,
‘Since You have explained almost everything to me, Rebbe, tell me one more thing—what is the sin of the world?’
He said,
‘Sin does not exist.
But you are the ones who make “sin” when you act in accordance with your nature.
For The Builders established The Laws of Noah and Moses knowing your flesh would transgress them—
so now all of you are “sinning.”
This was my purpose:
to restore humanity to its root—that root being The Holy Spirit of The Ancient of Days.
9:23 Mary 2:9 But you all love what deceives you.
9:24 Mary 2:8 So you grow sick and die.
Passions come from the materials of our flesh.
They have no analog to the human spirit,
for passions come from what is contrary to the spirit’s nature.
The consequence is confusion in the human flesh.
This is why I told you—
be content at heart.
If you remain discontented at heart,
then seek contentment in the myriads of places and people this world has to offer—
before your separation.
9:28 Mary 2:13 Whoever has ears to hear, let them hear!'
I said to Him,
‘Wait, Rebbe! What was the prayer You told me to say to the faces of the seraphim when I am separated—to break the wheel?’
And He told me exactly what to say:
‘What binds me has been killed.
What surrounds me has been overcome.
My desires have vanished,
snd my ignorance has died.
My soul has been released from the earth,
my spirit freed from my body,
and my mind lifted from the fog of imaginary amnesia.
From this moment forward,
I will receive the rest of this time,
of this season of the age,
in silence.’”
9:32 Mary 5:17 When Magdala had said these words, she fell silent—because God Faithful King had spoken with her up to this point, before she woke from the dream.
In response, Andrew said to the eleven,
“Say what you will about what Magdala has said,
but I do not believe that Jesus said these things—
because these teachings seem like strange ideas.”
Beloved John said,
“I believe Her.”
Pebble said,
“But Rebbe wouldn’t speak with a woman without our knowledge—and not publicly with us, would he?
9:36 Mary 6:4 What, are we just going to turn around and all listen to her?
9:37 Mary 6:5 Did he prefer her to us?”
Then Magdala said to Pebble,
“My brother Pebble, what are you thinking?
Do you really think that I made this up by myself in my own heart,
or that I’m lying about God Faithful King?”
At the sound of this Name, the eleven began to murmur,
"God Faithful King?"
And as they sat at the table, God Faithful King appeared among them.
There were no words.
He rebuked the apostles—except Beloved John—for their unbelief and hardness of heart, because they had not believed Magdala.
He said to them,
“Peace be with you! Receive my peace within yourselves!
Now, be careful not to let anyone mislead you by saying ‘Look over here!’ or ‘Look over there!’
Because I exist within you! Follow me there!
9:42 Mary 3:3 Those who seek Me within will find Me within.
9:43 Mary 3:4 Now go and preach the Good News about the Kingdom available to every Human Being.
9:44 Mary 3:5 Do not lay down any rules beyond what I’ve given you, nor make a law like The Builders—or you’ll be bound by it.
If people ask you,
‘Where have you come from?’
Tell them:
‘We have come from the Light,
from the place where the Light is produced of its own accord.'
If someone says to you,
‘What are you?’
‘We are the children and the chosen of the One Father.’
If people ask you,
‘What sign of your Father is in you?’
Tell them:
‘It is motion and rest.’”
Pebble started to say, “Rebbe—", but then hesitated.
He corrected himself, saying, "My Lord, Magdala should leave us! If Eve was not worthy of eternal life—”
God Faithful King interrupted him,
“Look, Pebble, am I to put her back into the man’s side?
Do I really have to do that so that she may become a living spirit too?
Magdala’s spirit is equal to you men,
because every woman who makes herself a man in spirit will enter our Father’s Kingdom.”
9:47 Mary 3:6 When He said these things, God Faithful King began to ascend to the Kingdom.
Magdala yelled “My Lord! Wait! What day will You appear to us? What day will we see You again?”
As He ascended, God Faithful King said,
“When you make the two become one;
when you make the inside like the outside,
and the outside like the inside;
when you make the male and female one,
so that the male is no longer male, and the female no longer female.
When you strip yourselves without being ashamed,
when you take off your clothes and lay them at your feet
and trample them like little children—
that is when you will see Me,
when you forget you were ever afraid.”
When God Faithful King had left them, Levi, whom He called Matthew, “The Gift That Gives,” turned to Pebble and said,
“Simon, you have always been angry.
And now I see you accusing Magdala—" Matthew stopped himself before comparing Pebble to the sheriff.
9:51 Mary 6:9 Then he continued saying, "If Rebbe made Her worthy, who are you to rebuke Her?
Certainly He knows her very well.
That’s why He loved Her more than us."
Then Matthew lifted up his voice and said, "Rather we should be unashamed—
adorning ourselves in the Divine Presence of Wisdom,
acquiring Wisdom for ourselves as He instructed us,
and preaching the Good News of The Kingdom available to every Human Being—
not laying down any other commandment other than The One Commandment:
‘Hear O Israel!
Love your neighbor as yourself
and likewise your God—
with all your heart,
all your mind,
and all your strength.’""
When Matthew had said these things, they rose up and began to go out—to teach and to preach.
The Good News according to Mary the Magdala (the Tower).