The time is now.

A note from
The Sibyl of the Metacan,
Marcellina II (she/her)

The Roman Carpocratic Church is a partially reconstructed and fully reimagined Gnostic Christian religion established on December 20th, 2024 in the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, the Spirit of America!

In the name of God faithful King, the Roman Carpocratic Church intends to establish the first exclusively transgender ministry of priestesses and priests and everyone else priestwixt and priestween. Behold!

The relevant part of our bylaws.


Yes. But.

The Carpocrations were a pre-Nicene Creed sect who, along with the earliest sects of Christianity, Gnostic or otherwise, were slandered by the Early Orthodox Patriarchs in the centuries leading up to First Council of Nicaea.

Therefore, the NEW Roman Carpocratic Church rejects the Nicene Creed in full and everything that comes with it: including The Bible in its established form.

Instead, we rely upon the discoveries of Nag Hammadi to forge our path!

The second century Roman Carpocrations were also the only early Christian sect with a matriarch, an Alexandrian woman of means named Marcellina. Marcellina established herself in Rome, the greatest city in the world at that time and hosted her church from her own villa. She was the first church leader to show the face of Jesus, claiming she had a portrait that had been drawn up by Pontius Pilate. She had a reputation as a firebrand and her initiates upon completing their rites were branded with fire on the back of the right earlobe. A baptism of fire.

Therefore, for now, St. Marcellina is the one and only Saint of The Roman Carpocratic Church.

Oh no! But what ever will we believe if we reject the Nicene Creed? What ever will we do without daddy's permission? What ever will we read without The Bible?

Well, for starters...

The 1 Remaining Fragment of Carpocration Script

On Righteousness (130 - 150 C.E.)

by Epiphanes son of Carpocrates. Died aged 17. Emphasis is the Church's.

The righteousness of God is a kind of sharing along with equality. There is equality in the heaven which is stretched out in all directions and contains the entire earth in its circle. The night reveals all the stars equally. The light of the sun, which is the cause of the daytime and the father of light, God pours out from above upon the earth in equal measure to all who have power to see. For all see alike, since here is no distinction between rich and poor, people and governor, stupid and clever, female and male, free men and slaves. Even the irrational animals are not accorded any different treatment; but in just the same way God pours out from above sunlight equally upon all the animals. He establishes his justice to both good and bad by seeing that none is able to get more than his share and to deprive his neighbor, so that he has twice the light his neighbor has.

Pythagoreans Celebrate Sunrise by Fyodor Bronnikov (1869)

The Sun causes food to grow for all living beings alike; the universal justice is given to all equally. In this respect there is no difference between the species of oxen and particular oxen, between the species of pigs and particular pigs, between the species of sheep and particular sheep, and so with all the rest. In them universality is manifest in justice. Furthermore all plants after their kind are sown equally in the earth. Common nourishment grows for all beasts which feed on the earth´s produce; to all it is alike. It is regulated by no law, but rather is harmoniously available to all through the gift of him who gave it and commanded it to grow.

Pythagoras Advocating Vegetarianism by Peter Paul Rubens (1618-20)

And for birth there is no written law; otherwise it would have been transcribed. All beings beget and give birth alike, having received by justice an innate equality. The Creator and father of all with his own justice appointed this, just as he gave equally the eye to all to enable them to see. He did not make a distinction between female and male, rational and irrational, nor between anything else at all; rather he shared out sight equally and universally. It was given to all alike by a single command. As the laws could not punish men who were ignorant of them, they taught man to transgress. For particularity of the laws cut up and destroyed the universal equality of the divine law!

Pythagorean School Invaded by Sybarites by Michele Tedesco (1887)

The ideas of Mine and Thine crept in through the laws which cause the earth, money, and even marriage no longer to bring forth fruit of common use. For God made vines for all to use in common, since they do not refuse the sparrow or the thief; and similarly wheat and other fruits. But outlawed sharing and the vestiges of equality generated the thief of domestic animals and fruits. For man God made all things to be common property. He brought the female to be with the male in common and in the same way united all the animals. He thus showed righteousness to be a universal sharing along with equality. But those who have been born in this way have denied the sharing which is the corollary of their origin and say, "Let him who has taken one woman keep her", whereas all can share her, just as the other animals show us. With view to the permanence of the race, he has implanted in males and females a strong and ardent desire which neither law nor custom nor any other restraint is able to destroy. For it is God´s decree!

Consequently you must understand the law "You shall not desire" as if the lawgiver was joking, to which he added even more comedy, "Your neighbors goods". For he himself gave the desire to sustain the race orders that it is to be restrained, though he restrains it from no other animals. And by the words, "Your neighbor's wife" he says something even more ludicrous, since he forces what should be common property to be treated as private possession.


Pythagoras and The Fishermen by Salavtor Rosa (1662)

Pythagoras Emerging from the Underworld by Salavtor Rosa (1662)

That is all?

A religion founded upon one script?

By a teenage boy?!

I'm calling your bluff! You didn't start any religion!

Raise you four more.

The Sibyl of The Metacan, Marcellina II (oh, that's me!), is an adept at receiving Divine Message Transmissions (DMTs).

She has, under the influence of ancient techniques of sibylline divine frenzying, assembled the most likely texts revered by the ancient Carpocrations that were composed no later than 200 C.E.. The Sibyl has read them through and through. The Sibyl has cut them up. The Sibyl has put them back together. The Sibyl has crossed some Letters out and squeezed some Letters in.

And now The Sibyl of The Metacan sings her own DMTs!

Behold! Our most holiest Divine Message Transmission! Our most holiest song!

If you're only going to read one,
better make it quick!

ταχύ εὐαγγέλιον
The Quick Gospel

Or as we gnostics like to call it...

The Tachyon

The Huh?

There isn't exactly a lot of art with Nazerene Jesus is there? Make some! Christ and The Two Marys by William Holman Hunt (1847)

The Tachyon is our most potent DMT. Engineered to be read in one sitting, The Tachyon is the ultimate Passion of the King experience. This gospel harmony was designed under the influence of divine frenzying to put you on a round-trip super-luminal flight to the transcendent realms!

No spoilers. Read The Tachyon now.

You may have noticed that The Tachyon is indeed just The Passion of The King.

Not only that, The Tachyon starts from The Agony! Why, you ask?

Ask your mother if she knows any good stories that start in agony.

But since you asked a good question, "Why?", we want to demonstrate to you that we reward curiosity in The Roman Carpocratic Church!

And your reward is the whole story.

The Mystic Gospel of Mark

Jesus in Jerusalem by Felix Tafsart (1896)

The Mystic Gospel of Mark is the story of the ministry of Jesus. This is the Jesus we Carpocrations strive to imitate in our daily lives and our baptism of fire. This, like The Tachyon, is a harmony of gospels and various other Scriptures. But this not like any version of The Gospel of Mark you have ever read because also included in the harmony are those Scriptures that had been hidden away in Nag Hammadi for nearly two-thousand years! This is the Gospel of Mark they don't want you to read!

No spoilers. Read The Mystic Gospel of Mark now.

The Book of Morphosis

Look familiar, astronomer?

The Book of Morphosis is The Roman Carpocratic Church's story of the creation of the cosmos. Were you expecting Genesis chapter 1? Not here. This is a revision of Sefer Yetzirah (200 B.C.E. - 200 C.E.). Never heard of Sefer Yetzirah?

No spoilers. Read The Book of Morphosis now.

Don't worry Genesis readers. We updated that too.

Well, chapters 2 and 3 anyway.

The Gospel of Eve

You: "Why is there a halo around...['oh no' or 'yes...ha ha ha...YES!']." Art by Marcellina II from various Public Domain illustrations.

The Gospel of Eve is The Roman Carpocratic Church's story of the creation of humanity. You see, we gnostics believe humanity was created by...


About that...

Well, at least the serpent is...


Also, about that...

No spoilers. Read The Gospel of Eve now.

And now that the four foundational texts of The Roman Carpocratic Church are complete and ready to be shown to The United States of America (and certain parts of the world that encourage freedom of speech), the time has come to compile our own "bible" of DMTs. A DMT Bible, if you will.

The Roman Carpocratic Church proudly presents

The Tetractys

The Tetractys is the four DMTs above compiled into one biblical foundation.

Read The Tetractys now.

But how do I join?

Hey. You have a lot of reading to do. And no one is going to be upset if you choose to "self-identify" as a gnostic or a Carpocration of the Roman Carpocratic Church.

But if you actually want to become a member?

As per our bylaws, you will either write a hand-written request to join our Church at this address (and receive a response letter of our consent) or The Sibyl herself will request that you join by any means of communication she deems fit, and you may respond however you wish.

The Roman Carpocratic Church, Inc.
82 Wendell Ave. Ste 100
Pittsfield, MA, 01201
United States of America
+1 (413) 466-7488

The phone number is obviously screened.

May I read your bylaws?

No. The relevant part has been shown to you.

And The Sibyl?

She's in The Metacan.

Where she always is.

© 2025 The Roman Capocratic Church, Inc.